Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sagittarius 2010 ~ Aspire to a *NEW* Truth & Story

Aspire to a *NEW* Truth & Story

Too many people are thinking of security
instead of opportunity.
They seem to be more afraid of life
... than they are of death!

~ James F Byrnes, Govt Official ~

If you truly aspire to a *NEW* Truth, then a *NEW* Story will unfold organically. It helps to read the cues from the Universe and face your own Truth so that you can consciously *aspire* to something greater. Then your Higher Self begins to assist and molecules begin to move. Last month, Scorpio dug it up, this month, Sag will help you make *meaning* out of the revelations of the last 1-6-12 months. Sagittarius is the most spiritual of all the energies. Among many other complex things, it represents wisdom, higher learning and exploration. Gemini, Sag's opposite represents *information* and how we gather along the way; Sag represents *wisdom* and how we making meaning out of the info gathered. This is the energy of learning all about new philosophies and ways of life.

At this time, you are in the unique position of being awake and conscious during a global shift, and you can now CHOOSE the Truth you would like your life to be/express. You are ready to take things to the next level with your spiritual development and learning. This is about expansion and growth, going beyond where you are now. That requires a certain amount of trust, which comes when you're connected to your Spirit and your Truth. This whole year has been preparing everyone to live in some completely new (and sometimes totally foreign) ways. Now, you have direct access to this energy and this month, you have a chance to add your "intent" to what the Universe is cooking up. Don't wait for things to happen TO you - connect to what will make your life have more meaning and expand your horizons and EXPECT things to happen FOR you!

This energy comes on the heels of Scorpio's excavation of Soul. Some heavy truths were revealed, for better or worse. Now, Sag gives you the opportunity to make meaning out of the information coming to the surface. Whatever has come to the surface in your life at this time (in the last 6mo-2yr) - ask your Self is it TRUTH for you (here and now today)? It turns out that many things, especially as we enter this new energy / new frequency, are simply no longer true. It does not totally invalidate them, or negate their value, it is just that what WAS true in the past is no longer true in the present, nor will it be of any use in the future.

· What did you learn on your journey thru the dark night of the soul?
· What do you want your Truth to be?
· How can all that struggle and sacrifice bring you closer to your ideal?
· What can be improved upon at this juncture?

Scorpio dug it all up, now Sag gives you an opportunity to tell a *NEW* story. This is the time you can dream big, expand your mind releasing all (perceived) limitations and see what comes up. It is time to question many long-held truths and beliefs which will not serve you on this next leg of your journey. One month is scant time, indulge yourself at this time and allow your Self ONE MONTH to consciously practice connecting with the Highest ideals for your life, environment and community. Really stretch!! It is so true, until you can actually picture it - VIVIDLY - in your mind's eye / your imagination - you will have a hard time manifesting it - whatever it is. And when you add feeling/emotion to the *thoughts*, and it will manifest even quicker. Practice *feeling* your desires as if you've attained them. What would it feel like to have your deepest heart's desire come in to being? Practice. Familiarize your Self with the feeling that you're exploring. Allow your Self the creative visualization time. (Next month, Capricorn will help you ground it and form a strategy for making the vision tangible, for now, just dream as big as possible!)

When working with this energy (and that includes Sagittarius, Jupiter and 9th House issues), you want to think outside the box - think BIG!! It's hard for most people to think big because their inner dialogue is usually, "I don't have the time or the money or the whatever-it-may-be". Release that JUST for today (just for an hour) and imagine that you have ALL THE MONEY AND TIME IN THE WORLD - EVERYTHING ~ is provided and taken care of ... now what would you do with your time, energy and resources? THAT'S Sagittarius energy - it's fiery, passionate, enthusiastic, go-for-it energy. So for this month, even if it's only on paper, THINK BIG!!

One of the things that will help you in connecting to this energy also is being in nature. When you cannot get to a place in nature, then put on an ocean or rain CD (or any soothing nature sounds). If not, then use your imagination and take time to go to a place that gives you peace and meditate there until you feel completely peaceful and then start writing things down that you'd like to do, be or have. The Sag energy is about being so enthusiastic about a philosophy that you become it and express it and you actually become a larger presence because of your enthusiasm for it, expanding your own and others' horizons. It's time to walk-the-walk and actually LIVE YOUR TRUTH ... in action, word and deed.

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